| Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide
A tool for measuring asthma severity
There is a new tool that is showing to be very helpful in measuring asthma called Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO).
This is a machine that you breathe into and it gives you a number based on inflammation in the lungs. This value can help you and your doctor understand if your asthma is well controlled. It significantly correlates to hyperactive airways and allergic triggers.
It is helpful to:
Measure response to inhaled steroid therapy and level of inflammation control
To determine allergy exposure
Help predict exacerbations
Identify comorbid conditions that underlie non-specific respiratory symptoms
Predict steroid response
Optimize therapy through early recognition of loss of control
Monitor adherence with inhaled corticosteroid use
Monitor treatment effect
Assist in the diagnosis and management of childhood asthma