Runny nose, watery eyes and cough? Are these symptoms due to allergies or some other infection? This doubt may trouble you all the time. Therefore, we have listed the common allergy symptoms and the causes of these symptoms. So that next time you experience any symptom, you will be able to identify it and take the necessary action.

Runny or Stuffy Nose

The runny or stuffy nose can mess up your well-planned day. It is a very common symptom of an allergy. Allergic rhinitis also known as Hay fever stands for allergic reactions involving your nose. It includes congestion, sneezing and runny nose as well as itching inside nose, eyes or roof of your mouth. Seasonal, as well as year-round allergies, can cause runny, stuffy nose and sneezing. The best way to get relief is by consulting a board-certified allergist who can help you determine what is your offending allergen and how can you prevent it.

Red and Watery Eyes

Allergies can affect your eyes and can make your eyes red, itchy, burning, watery and may also cause swelling of eyelids. These eye symptoms are also called as allergic conjunctivitis or ocular allergies. These symptoms may occur alone but are usually accompanied by sneezing or stuffy nose. The common allergens which cause eye symptoms are pollens, dander, dust mites, mold, perfume and smoke. Some eye diseases may have same symptoms as of eye allergic symptoms, making accurate diagnosis difficult. Therefore, it is important to meet an allergist who can confirm whether the symptoms are due to allergy or some other reason.

Wheezing, breathlessness

Swelling and narrowing of the airways to your lungs can cause wheezing. Wheezing is a like a whistling or squeaky sound in your chest when you breathe. Narrowing of airways also causes breathlessness or shortness of breath because of reduced lung capacity to hold air. Although wheezing and breathlessness are commonly seen in Asthma, an allergic reaction can also cause these symptoms. Asthma symptoms are closely linked to allergies and exposure to allergens like pollen, animal dander, mold, dust mites, smoke, chemical fumes, perfume etc. can cause an asthmatic attack. Allergists are specially trained to recognize the factors that are responsible for triggering asthma symptoms. Therefore, see an allergist if you experience wheezing or breathlessness and you are not sure about the cause.


We all experience cough during cold or flu. However, if you have a cough (a dry cough for more than 3 weeks) that is just not going away, then it can be a symptom of allergies or asthma. Cough is typically caused due to irritation and narrowing of airways. If your cough is due to allergies, then you might get more cough during some seasons or due to exposure to allergens like mold, dander, pollen, dust mites, pets, cockroaches etc. However, if you have wheezing or breathlessness along with a cough, then you may be experiencing asthma cough. An allergist can help you in identifying the specific reason for your cough.


A rash is a change in color, appearance or texture of the skin. It can be localized in one part of the body or affect the whole body. A rash can look like red, dry, cracked, bumpy, blistered or swollen skin. It can be painful or itchy. A rash can appear due to allergies (like an allergy to food, medicines or dander) or due to an infection (like measles, chicken pox). It is sometimes difficult to identify whether the rash is due to an allergy or due to some other reason. Getting tested by an allergist can help you identify the definite reason for your rashes.


Headache may sound like a very unusual symptom of an allergy. However, two most common kinds of headaches- sinus headache and migraine- are closely related to allergies. Common allergens like pollen, mold, dust and dander can cause a sinus headache along with other allergy symptoms like stuffy nose, sneezing and watery eyes. Migraine can be caused due to food allergies and environmental allergies. Therefore, if you are suffering from frequent headaches, and you are not sure about the cause- contact an allergist!

Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are allergic symptoms which are usually caused by food allergies. The most common allergens responsible for food allergy are milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, wheat and soy. Allergic symptoms appear when your immune system overreacts towards a specific food and triggers an allergic reaction. In case of food allergy, common symptoms are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Getting tested by an allergist is the first step which can help you deal with your food allergy and avoid triggers.


What comes to your mind when you think about allergic symptoms? Sneezing, watery eyes and rashes! You might not think that fatigue or sleeplessness can also be an allergic symptom. However, let us tell you that fatigue due to disturbed sleep can be a sign of untreated allergies. Both year-round and seasonal allergies, if not treated properly, can cause fatigue and tiredness.

These were the most common symptoms of allergies. If you feel you are suffering from any of the above symptoms and you feel helpless, then the best bet is to book an appointment with our board-certified allergists at “The Allergy Group” who are trained to identify your allergens and help you in preventing them.