The most common type of Asthma is Allergic, or Allergy-Induced Asthma. While allergies alone can be a nuisance and difficult to manage, combined asthma, these symptoms and “attacks” can be very scary, and life-threatening. In this article, we hope to provide you with an understanding of why an allergist is uniquely positioned to help manage your asthma.

Asthma Symptoms

It is difficult to tell whether your asthma is caused by allergens solely by looking at your asthma symptoms, but there are certain unique factors that come into play. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms regularly, you may want to schedule an appointment with one of our allergy specialists.

  • Coughing, especially at night
  • Chronic coughing, especially when laughing/exercising
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Tightening of chest/pressure
  • Irritation of the skin around the eyes, nose, mouth, or chest

You may experience more severe symptoms during Asthma Attacks:

  • Rapid breathing
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty talking
  • Anxious feelings, or panic
  • Swelling of the chest, throat, face, or other affected areas

Asthma Triggers

What causes these symptoms? When it comes to Allergic or Allergy-Induced Asthma, an Allergist can help determine the unique reason your body is reacting. Here are the most common triggers:

Common Allergens

(These make up the majority of asthmatic-reaction triggering allergens)

  • Pollen
  • Mold
  • Animal Dander
  • Animal Saliva
  • Dust mites (feces)
  • Cockroaches (feces)

Common Irritants

(Your body may or may not have an allergic reaction to these things, but these are common triggers for asthma attacks/asthma symptoms)

  • Tobacco Smoke
  • Air Pollution
  • Strong Chemical Odors
  • Perfumes/Scented Sprays or Products
  • Cold air
  • Exercise
  • Intense emotions that cause laughing or crying
  • Hyperventilation/Anxiety

You might be thinking, “Wow! There are so many, how can I possibly avoid it all?”

Here at The Allergy Group, we specialize in helping you identify your triggers and creating a treatment plan that meets your specific needs and desires! Read below for more information on Prevention and Treatments.

Allergy Testing for Asthma Trigger

There are two different ways for an allergist to determine which allergens are triggering your asthma. The most common is a skin test, which involves allowing certain allergens direct contact with your skin, in a controlled environment. However, your doctor may be looking for a different allergen, or be unsatisfied with the results of a skin test, and may instead ask for a blood test. While you should see the results of the skin test within the first half-hour, a blood test can take several days to come back. Once these allergens have been identified, the real work begins- preventing and treating.


An Allergist can help recommend the following tips to preventing contact with asthma triggers, and limiting your allergic response.

  • Be aware of the pollen count
  • Replace air filters in your home as recommended and use high quality allergy rated filters
  • Consider wood floors vs carpet which is harder to keep clean from dust and pet dander
  • Use allergen specific covers for fabrics, at least in the bedroom (and wash them frequently)
  • Make sure to use a dehumidifier if your house holds a lot of moisture, and make sure there is proper ventilation without leaks
  • Keep pets out of bedroom and off of furniture (specifically for people who have a pet-dander/saliva allergy)
  • Be careful when doing yard work and cleaning. Use masks and gloves, even if others don’t need to
  • Change/wash your clothes and shower immediately after being outside
  • When possible, leave your “outside” shoes outside

There are plenty of other ways to prevent contact with allergens; talk with an allergist about your specific allergies, and how to avoid them!


If you have Allergic/Allergy-Induces Asthma, your allergist may recommend some of the following treatments:

  • Bronchodilators
  • Anti-inflammatories, Antihistamines
  • Allergy shots, tablets, etc.
  • Nasal allergy medicines
  • Saline rinses
  • Decongestant nasal sprays

Looking for more information? Visit our website to schedule an appointment with an allergist and get allergy shots and learn more about asthma. Our expertise in allergies makes us the perfect provider to help manage your asthma. We can test for your allergic triggers as well as provide information on prevention and prescribe treatments. This intervention can help reduce visits to the emergency room and improve your health and quality of life.