It’s a beautiful spring day, with bright sunshine and a fresh breeze blowing. Unfortunately, you’re stuck indoors because of your seasonal allergies.

Anyone who suffers from hayfever or other seasonal allergies understands the frustration involved with not being able to enjoy the outdoors. Sneezing, sniffling, nasal congestion, and itchy, watery eyes can be a miserable experience.

And, if you’re like most allergy sufferers, you’ve probably tried every over the counter medication there is. You know that there are allergy shots available that may alleviate your symptoms, but – shots? You’d almost rather be trapped inside with all the doors and windows sealed shut against the pollen.

There are a few other ways to fight back against your seasonal allergies, however:

Learn what triggers your allergies and how to avoid those triggers

Visit an allergist, who will be able to run tests to determine what, exactly, you’re allergic to. Is it pollen? Mold? Grass?

Depending on the culprit, you may want to stay inside during certain parts of the day. If you must go outside, wear a mask to keep particulate from entering your airways.

When you come back in, make sure to take a shower to wash any remaining pollen from your body, and put on clean clothes.

Sublingual Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is the medical term for allergy treatments that are administered by an allergist. Traditionally, immunotherapy treatments were administered through the use of injections, but new developments in immunology have resulted in a new kind of immunotherapy.

Sublingual (or under the tongue) immunotherapy consists of an allergen extract prepared in drop form, or as a tablet. When taken under the tongue, this treatment can help alleviate the symptoms of seasonal allergies.

Over time, the sublingual immunotherapy treatment can help your body develop a permanent immunity to allergens.

In order to pursue this treatment, you will need to be seen by an allergist, who can pinpoint the cause of your suffering and suggest a treatment plan.

If you are laid low by allergies every spring and summer, why not look into this new, promising form of treatment today? Come see us at The Allergy Group!